Waste Management

Nexstera Tech identifies batteries in curbside recycling bins before collection to prevent costly and dangerous fires.

Our First Product


PyroTackTM achieves the same objective as traditional material differentiation devices using a low powered, non-ionizing, edge device suitable for more verticals at 10x less cost.


Our advanced PyroTackTM device will be available for purchase by waste collection companies, truck body manufacturers, and insurance agencies seeking to reduce liability risks from lithium-ion battery fires.


PyroTackTM detects high-risk lithium-ion batteries in curbside recycling bins before collection, mitigating the catastrophic dangers of lithium-ion battery fires while educating the community through provided educational materials.


PyroTackTM operates in real-time with low latency, providing immediate detection alerts to waste collection drivers, allowing companies to leave hazardous bins at the curb and send a Nexstera Tech educational packet to the target household.


PyroTackTM is currently designed to attach to automated side loader recycling vehicles on the arm's backplate, requiring minimal power integration and draw.

Learn Why

> $1 Billion in ANNUAL Waste Industry Damages


Curbside Battery Detection

Global Industry Quotes

The Industry's Take on Battery Fires

"Once a lithium ion battery is broken or cracked, it's just a ticking time bomb."

Gayane Makaryan, Rumpke Waste and Recycling

"Across the country, we have had facilities, recycling facilities be total losses, millions of dollars in infrastructure. We had a fire at our Tampa facility about three or four years ago. That plant was down for about three months."

Dawn McCormick, Waste Management

"We're always sitting on the edge of our seat because the public is still throwing recyclable batteries away. "

Shawn Querry, Penn Waste

"We just had a truck fire last week. Within the entire industry, I hear about these fires occurring on a weekly basis in landfills, recycling centers, and trucks. "

Robert Ruiz, Waste Connections

"Basically they’re like a flower spinner you’d see on the Fourth of July, but they’re heavier and they’re burning at about 700-plus degrees. "

Matt Tracy, Metro South Transfer Station

"Lithium-ion battery fires caused by improper recycling or disposal are increasingly impacting the waste and recycling industry, resulting in heavy damage to or total losses of our members’ collection trucks and materials recovery facilities. "

Darrell Smith, NWRA

"If we don't act on this, we're going to continue to see facilities and trucks burn, we're going to end up potentially with genuine injuries or significant injuries on our workers, and, dare I say, a death, which is what we're trying to avoid. "

Gayle Sloan, Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association AU

"Besides recycling facilities, these batteries are a threat to the entire solid waste and recycling system, from collection to disposal, and impact our members every day."

Jim Riley, NWRA

"These fires can be challenging for fire services to deal with, have a significant impact on local communities and present a real risk to staff working on lorries and waste plants. "

Mark Andrews, National Fire Chiefs Council EU

"Our facilities, our trucks are catching on fire, not to mention the risk to our people. It's a massive issue for our sector. "

Garth Lamb, Re.Group AU

"This little fire has cost us over $3 million in damage."

Denise Barnes, Rogue Disposal & Recycling

"[We are experiencing] about one fire a week here in Florida in our trucks and also about one fire a week in our recycling facilities. "

Dawn McCormick, Waste Management

"We now have seven companies insuring us—no one carrier wanted to take the full risk."

Joe La Mariana, Rethink Waste
About us

At Nexstera Tech, we are pioneering AI-driven innovations to enhance safety and sustainability across industries. Our team combines expertise in sensor technologies and machine learning to develop non-invasive material detection solutions that address real-world challenges, starting with the waste and recycling sectors. With a commitment to environmental responsibility, we partner with industry leaders to deliver scalable, cutting-edge technologies that protect both people and the planet, driving the future of sustainable and successful business practices.


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